Saturday, November 13, 2010

U2.COM : 'Cautious Joy'

U2 have responded to the news of Aung San Suu Kyi's release today.

'There is a cautious joy amongst the campaigners for Aung San Suu Kyi's release. Over the years we have feared for her life, and until Burma's leadership better reflects its people, we should continue to be vigilant in our concern.

'For a life denied the basic freedoms, she has lived so vividly in the minds of her people and supporters and accomplished so much.  By putting the people of Burma's interests above her own, she has lived in stark contrast with her oppressors.  Her struggle has become a symbol for all humanity, of what we are capable of - best and worst.  Her very grace so infuriating to the bully government whose brutish gorging of the country's rich resources have left the people of Burma poor and hungry.

We can only pray that those in the junta who decided on her release will start to see sense and seize this opportunity to begin a genuine dialogue towards democracy. We will know they are serious when they release the other 2,202 prisoners denied a life for the crime of wanting to believe an election result.'

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