Friday, February 22, 2013

U2.COM : If You Build It...

'Amazing book ! Amazing songs! Amazing quality!'

'A beautiful full size hard cover book with immaculate detail - best tour document I've ever seen.'

'Such a great read and the live disc is absolutely superb. Thank you U2 very much'

OK, enough showing off. You like it, we like it, everyone likes it.  

But is there one way to make a book like this even more of a collectors item? 

Well, actually, yes, just the one we could think of.  

How about asking the band to sign some copies for a new competition.


We've snagged 5 shiny new copies  of 'From The Ground Up: Music Edition'to give away - each one signed by Larry, Adam, Edge & Bono.

To grab one of these great giveaways, here's what you need to do.

Post or tweet us a photo or a youtube video of something you've built...  from the ground up.

A house? 
A car? 
A shed? 
A spaceship?
A family? 
A cake? 
An... invention ?

What's your pride & joy that you made all yourself ?

(Extra points if you include a copy of  From The Ground Up  in your photo or video - or give it some surreal U2 twist.)

Then tag your image/video with #U2FTGU and mention @u2com /@u2comzoomods or @U2fTheGroundUp  then post it up on twitter or youtube.

We'll pick out the most creative and repost them on and retweet them from @u2com. 

And the best of the best? We'll be in touch with you on where we should send your signed copy.

Let building commence ...

(P.S. Don't forget those tags & mentions - #U2FTGU @u2com @u2comzoomods @U2fTheGroundUp. Competition runs until the end of March.)

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